BNA Member Photo Competition: What Does Your Neuroscience Look Like?
11th February 2025
Celebrating Neuroscience Through the Eyes of BNA Members View article
External Event - 21st to 22nd Jun 2018
How does our subjective experience emerge from the brain? How does consciousness relate to the physical world? These age-old, deep questions are now at last being addressed directly and broadly by neuroscience and will become crucial in the decades to come.
The spectrum of consciousness-related conundrums is rapidly expanding: we are saving islands of human brain from devastating injuries, growing cerebral organoids in a vat, and building intelligent machines that perform faster and better than any healthy subject, just to mention a few.
Where does consciousness arise? Where is the boundary between insentient matter and a spark of subjectivity? Society needs to be scientifically and culturally prepared to face these emerging questions.
To do so, an approach with the broadest scope is needed: diverse theoretical frameworks, brain anatomy, physiology, and chemistry across scales and species, detailed and large-scale computer simulations, deep learning, neuromorphic computing, robotics, clinical neurology, anaesthesiology, psychology, behavioural, computational, and philosophical analysis must interact and blend on a single infrastructure.
These ingredients are naturally present in the Human Brain Project, and this workshop, stirred by world-leading scholars in the field, is where they come together for the first time in this multidisciplinary setting.
Take advantage of the early registration fee and save up to €30 till May 3rd 2018! To register please click here.
Thursday, June 21 |
09.00-09.20 | Welcome /Intro Johan Storm (Chair): Intro/overview: consciousness & HBP |
09.20-13.00 | Fundamental aspects, including theories of consciousness | |
Moderators: | Johan Storm & Kathinka Evers | |
09.20 | Kathinka Evers | |
09.50 | Ned Block | |
10.20 | David Chalmers | |
10.50 | Coffee break | |
11.10 | Larissa Albantakis | |
11.40 | Jean-Pierre Changeux (HBP) | |
12.10-13.00 | Discussion | |
13.00-14.00 | Lunch & Posters | |
14.00-14.40 | Integrated consciousness research in HBP Marcello Massimini |
15.00-18.00 | Neurobiological mechanisms and correlates of consciousness | |
Moderators: | Marcello Massimi & Mavi Sánchez | |
15.00 | Cyriel Pennartz | |
15.30 | Catherine Tallon-Baudry | |
16.00 | Wolf Singer | |
16.30 | Coffee break + exhibit/demo | |
17.00 | Nao Tsuchiya | |
17.30 | Rodolfo Llinas | |
18.00-18.50 | Discussion | |
18.50-19.50 | Flash talks by young HBP researchers | |
20.30 | Buffet-dinner |
Friday, June 22 |
09.00-12.30 | Models, simulations, and emulation of consciousness | |
Moderators: | Cyriel Pennartz & Alain Destexhe | |
09.00 | Alain Destexhe | |
09.25 | Pieter R. Roelfsema | |
09.50 | Karl Friston | |
10.20 | Coffee break | |
10.40 | Sean Hill | |
11.10 | Fabrice Wendling | |
11.40-12.30 | Discussion | |
12.30-13.00 | Flash talks by young researchers | |
13.00-14.00 | Lunch & posters | |
+ exhibit/demo + ROBOT presentations by Tony Prescott/Martin Pearson | ||
14.00-17.40 | Clinical, ethical, and societal implications of consciousness research | |
Moderators: | Steven Laureys & Olivia Gosseries | |
14.00 | Olivia Gosseries | |
14.30 | Niko Schiff | |
15.00 | Emery Brown | |
15.30 | Coffee break + exhibit/demo | |
15.50 | Melanie Wilke | |
16.20 | Olaf Blanke | |
16.50-17.40 | Discussion | |
17.40–18.40 | Roundtable discussion | |
18.40-19.10 | Press conference | |
19.30–20.15 | Public lecture HBP member |
For more information on this conference please visit