Post-grad/Post-doc Paris Neuroscience workshop

External Event - 12th to 24th Jun 2017

The neuroscience workshop 'Optical Imaging and Electrophysiological Recording in Neuroscience' is to be held on 12th-24th June 2017 in Paris.

The event is  a  11  day  residential  course  of  lectures, demonstrations  and  practical  work  in  electrophysiology  and  microscopy applied  to  neurophysiology.  It  was  initiated  by  the  ENP  in  2009.

Lectures  and  Practicals  are  held  at  Université Paris  Descartes  in  the  Medical  School  at  45 Rue  des  Saints  Peres  75006, adjacent  to  the  Neuroscience  research  labs  on  the  third  floor. Instructors  and  lecturers  are  mainly  from  Paris  but  also  from labs  outside  Paris.

There  are  25  lectures.  The  preliminary  lecture  and  demonstration  timetables  (based  on  the 2015  program)  are  given below.  The  same  topics  will  be  addressed  this  year.

The  practical  work  comprises 10  days  hands-on  practical  with  patch  clamp  recording, extracellular  recording  and  use  of  CCD cameras,  mainly  in  brain  slice  preparations.

Small  group  demonstrations  will  be  given  in  microscopy,  confocal  microscopy,  two-photon microscopy,  TIRF  microscopy,  in vivo  recording  in  anaesthetized  or  freely  moving  animals, viral  transfection  methods.  2  half-days  will  be  spent  at  the  Ecole Normale Supérieure Neuroscience  labs  and  Imaging  Platform.

Accommodation  in a student residence will  be available,  lunch  will  be  provided.  No classes on  Sunday 18 June. Non-Parisians should plan to arrive on Sunday June 11th and to depart on Saturday June 24th.

The  fee  including  accommodation  and  lunch  is 900  Euros.  A  reduced  fee of 500 Euros applies  to  students  who  do  not  require  accommodation. 

Applications  for  the  full  course  of  lectures,  practical  labs  and  demonstrations  should include  a  CV  (1-2  page),  a  description  of  current  research  project  (5000  character  limit) and  a  letter  of  recommendation  from  thesis   adviser  or  lab  PI. The  practicals  and  demonstrations  will  be  available  only  to  those  accepted  for  the  full  course.

Applications should submitted by 15 March 2017. There are 18 places.

To find out more about the event and to apply, please follow this link

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