Love Your Brain Brain Awareness Week Launch Event 2019 (BAW) - Dublin

External Event - 11th Mar 2019

09:30 – 12:00

Venue: College Hall, Royal College of Surgeons, 123 Stephens Green, Dublin 2

Event Description: Love your Brain is an awareness campaign led by the Neurological Alliance of Ireland to coincide with National Brain Awareness Week March 11th to 17th 2019. The campaign aims to promote greater awareness and understanding of the brain and brain conditions as well as the need for more investment in services, research and prevention. Love your Brain is supported by over twenty patient organisations and research groups and this keynote event marks the beginning of a week- long programme of events taking place across the country. For more information visit or follow the campaign on #loveyourbrain2019 #brainawarenessweek2019

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