About Us

A vibrant, forward-thinking community of neuroscientists, making connections across the sector to help define and deliver the future of neuroscience.

About Us

The British Neuroscience Association (BNA) is the largest UK organisation connecting, representing and promoting neuroscience and neuroscientists across the globe.

The BNA is committed to creating a supportive and inclusive cross-sector neuroscience community – bringing together academia, industry, the clinic and wider society – and moving world-class neuroscience research up the agenda.

With over 3,000 members, we represent neuroscientists and allied professionals whose interests cover the whole range of neuroscience and its related fields, from ion channels to whole animal behaviour to real-life applications in the clinic and beyond. 

The BNA is the organisation that brings together people from different disciplines who wouldn't otherwise talk to each other.”  
Professor Dame Uta Frith, 2013 Winner of the BNA's Outstanding Contribution to Neuroscience Award. 

Uta Frith


We make connections between individuals, academia, industry, clinicians, medical charities, policy-makers, funding agencies and wider society through our three core values to inform, connect and influence

INFORM - We inform by:

  • advising on issues in neuroscience, in health and disease
  • raising awareness of neuroscience research - what it is, how it's done, and its importance and relevance for everyone
  • owning and running a Gold Open Access journal, Brain and Neuroscience Advances, with high quality neuroscience information freely available to everyone
  • engaging with the public, people with lived experience, and members of the press
  • providing information and support to our members in their research and careers
  • through a variety of communications and media platforms

CONNECT - We are making connections: 

INFLUENCE - We influence at different levels, including:









Some examples of where and how the BNA is making a difference in neuroscience (and beyond):

The International Festivals of Neuroscience

This unique event brings together 20+ organisations and 1,200 people+, features all areas of fundamental research in neuroscience and psychology, from both academia and the commercial sector, plus clinical expertise in neurology and psychiatry, at a single, shared celebration of global neuroscience - PLUS a programme of public events too. There's literally nothing else like it! 
See more about the BNA2023, BNA2021, BNA2019, BNA2017BNA2015 and BNA2013 Festivals. 

A growing community

The BNA community has over 3,000 members – a total which has more than doubled over the last 6 years. There's something for everyone, including those who don't work in neuroscience in a professional capacity but are fascinated in the brain and nervous system. Don't wait to become part of your community: join us today

Pioneering preregistration posters

The BNA was the first ever organisation to have prereg posters at a large international meeting - and, moreover, to evaluate their effectiveness in a study subsequently published in Nature Human Behaviour.  An ever-increasing number of organisations are now adopting prereg posters, where researchers have the chance to discuss their plans for research rather than the results, at their own meetings and events. 

Bringing together industry and academia 

The BNA's 'BBB' initiative, 'Building Bridges Between: Industry and Academia', has created an extensive network of organisations and individuals all working together to promote research development in its most efficient form, create career pathways, and improve the impact of neuroscience. An example outcome of BBB is creating the 'Guiding Principles for Robust Target Validation in Psychiatry' publication. 

The BNA Scholars Programme

Launched in direct response to the neuroscience community on how to improve inclusion of underrepresented ethnic groups, the BNA Scholars Programme support students and early career researchers to thrive in neuroscience, and to build a supportive community through networking opportunities, bursaries and mentorship. It has turned into an examplar programme and is having wide-reaching impact across the sector. 

Green Neuroscience

Recognising that, "to help society create a survivable future, we neuroscientists can and must play our part"1, the BNA Green Neuroscience Working Group is actively changing the way the BNA works, the environmental impact of neuroscience research itself, and supporting individuals to make changes themselves, for instance through offering 'Train over Plane' green travel bursaries.

1. Rae CL, Farley M, Jeffery KJ, Urai AE. Climate crisis and ecological emergency: Why they concern (neuro)scientists, and what we can do. Brain and Neuroscience Advances. January 2022. doi:10.1177/23982128221075430
