2018 UCL Neuroscience Symposium

External Event - 22nd Jun 2018

Now in its 9th year, the renowned UCL Neuroscience Symposium is a fantastic opportunity to find out more about the latest research in neuroscience at UCL. With over 800 UCL Neuroscientists expected to attend, delegates will have the chance to create new cross-disciplinary links and foster collaboration between basic and clinical researchers.

We are delighted to announce that Professor Daniel Wolpert (Columbia University, New York) and Matt Botvinik (DeepMind) will deliver the keynote lectures at the 2018 Symposium.

There will be two large poster sessions which will feature over 120 research and lab posters.  

For more information on the 2018 UCL Neuroscience Symposium contact Candice Lewis

 Keynote Speakers

UCL Speakers


8.15am - Registration

9.00am - 5pm - Talks

5pm - 6pm - Drinks Reception

The full programme is available here:

Programme (pdf)

To register for this event please visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2018-ucl-neuroscience-symposium-tickets-42006074299?aff=es2

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