BNA Training Academy launching in 2025
5th February 2025
External Event - 11th to 14th Sep 2018
The British Science Association, which showcases the best of British science, is pleased to announce that the British Science Festival will take place in Hull and the Humber in 2018, from 11-14 September, hosted by the University of Hull. The four-day event is one of Europe’s longest-established science festivals, which each year travels to a new part of the UK, bringing a vast array of events, performances and exhibitions with a scientific twist.
Tickets are FREE but book soon to ensure your place! See
There are loads of great sessions on during the week but, being brain biased, we've highlighted some related to neuroscience
Unlocking the secrets of the canine mind (Talk)
Tue 11 Sep • 11:00 – 12:00
Dogs Playpark
In this delightfully doggy event, discover the experimental techniques scientists use to gain insights into canine cognition and find out how man’s best friend really thinks.
Is it ‘game over’ for dementia? (Talk)
Tue 11 Sep • 18:00 – 19:00
Teaching Room 1 • Brynmor Jones Library
Contribute to the largest dementia study in history with Jason Hayhurst, who will show you how virtual reality and augmented reality games can be used to improve the quality of life for those suffering with dementia. How will we approach the future design challenges of these live-saving games?
Are you a super recogniser? (Workshop / Activity)
Tue 11 Sep • 18:00 – 22:00
Trinity Market Hull
There are large individual differences in our ability to recognise others by their face. Come and take part in a “live experiment” and find out whether you are one of a minority of people who are a super-recogniser.
*Hunting for a Huntington’s treatment (Award Lecture)*
Wed 12 Sep • 13:00 – 14:00
Auditorium • Middleton Hall
From striving to improve the quality of life for patients with Huntington’s disease using brain-training, to advocating for public and patient involvement in research for the disease, Emma Yhnell continually pushes the boundaries in her field. Join her to celebrate the recent successes and consider the challenges of searching for Huntington’s treatments.
You’re a liar! (Talk)
Thu 13 Sep • 13:00 – 14:00
Lecture Theatre 2 • Allam Medical Building
When recalling the past, we often create false memories. Based on philosophical principles and the latest research, Giuliana Mazzoni explores why we lie to ourselves and how this impacts our everyday life.
The AI Revolution: hopes, fears and opportunities (Presidential Address - Talk)
Thu 13 Sep • 17:00 – 18:00
Auditorium • Middleton Hall
Artificial Intelligence (AI) can often sound more like science fiction than reality, and yet most of us use it daily without even thinking about it, whether it’s virtual assistants such as Siri or Alexa or the powerful algorithms used by Facebook or Google. The transformative opportunities that will be brought about by AI are staggering and there is no doubt they will soon play a vital role in all walks of life, from healthcare, to the motor industry and financial services. But despite its potential, many people are becoming increasingly nervous about what they see as unchecked progress. For example, there are valid concerns about the wide implementation of AI leading to an increase in inequality. Jim Al-Khalili, incoming President of the British Science Association, will argue that the wider debate about the implications of AI must catch up with its technological progress and that we need to put transparency and ethics at the heart of AI development. After all, it is not AI itself that should worry us, but rather the humans who control it. AI is going to transform our lives in the coming decades; let’s make sure we’re ready for it.
In the driving seat: what’s the risk with epilepsy? (Award Lecture)
Fri 14 Sep • 13:00 – 14:00
Auditorium • Middleton Hall
A ‘one-size fits all’ approach is often given to those living with epilepsy, but armed with statistics, Laura Bonnett sought to change this. By investigating the risk of epileptic seizures based on a person’s characteristics, she influenced the DVLA to reduce their epilepsy driving restrictions. Here, she explores ‘risk’ and shares her experience of the life-changing applications statistics have had in epilepsy research.