BNA Training Academy launching in 2025
5th February 2025
External Event - 5th to 6th Mar 2018
We are pleased to announce that general registration is now open for the UK-Japan Neuroscience Symposium to be held at the Royal Society’s Wolfson Library March 5th and 6th 2018.
We are limited to 80 participants in total. We have been overwhelmed with registration requests and therefore participation will be selective.
Preference will be given to participants submitting a Neuroscience poster abstract for the meeting. There will be poster sessions on both days and an expert panel will choose from the poster abstracts and invite the lead authors to present their work in a “data-blitz” session during the meeting.
Please note that a University affiliation and email address will be required in order to register you for the meeting.
Sponsored by the MRC and AMED, this meeting will bring together leading neuroscientists from the UK and Japan to explore exciting new techniques in Neuroscience and ways in which new technologies and new methods of working can be applied to solving some of the most pressing health issues of our time such as dementia and mental health conditions.
The symposium will comprise two days of talks from UK and Japanese neuroscientists in four sessions on:
and will include a discussion group on “Strategies for understanding neurodegenerative conditions and mechanisms for collaborative working”.
The keynote lecture will be given by Sarah Tabrizi.
Laura Andreae (MRC Centre for neurodevelopment, KCL), “Modulating neuronal activity in a mouse model of autism: translating scales”.
Radu Aricescu (LMB, Cambridge), “Structural Insights into GABAA Receptor Gating Mechanisms”.
Nigel Emptage (Oxford university), “Advanced imaging methods for understanding brain function”.
Hajime Fujii (Tokyo University, Bito Lab), “Development and imaging of new color indicators for Ca2+ signaling in living neurons”.
Michael Hausser (UCL), “All-optical interrogation of neural circuits”.
Makoto Higuchi (National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology), "Imaging of neuropathology and functional disruptions in neurodegenerative dementias”.
John Isaac (UK dementia platform), “New Targets and Treatments for Dementia: Opportunities and Challenges”.
Gabi Kaminski (Cambridge), “An all optical approach to amyloids”.
Peter Kind (Edinburgh University), “Sustained correction of associative learning deficits following brief, early treatment in a rat model of Fragile X Syndrome”.
Noriyuki Kishi (RIKEN BSI), “Disease modeling and brain mapping using genetically-modified marmosets”.
Giovanna Mallucci (Cambridge University), “Cooling synapses: insights into neurodegeneration”.
Troy Margrie (Crick Institute London), “Mapping brain-wide connectivity in mice”.
Shinji Matsuda (University of Electro-Communications), "Optogenetical control of AMPA receptor endocytosis clarified that the cerebellar long term depression directly regulate motor learning".
Gail McConnell (University of Strathclyde), “The Mesolens: a giant colour-corrected optical microscope objective for sub-cellular 3D resolution imaging within 118 mm3 of tissue”.
Masanori Murayama (RIKEN), “Cortico-cortical mechanisms of perceptual memory consolidation”.
Eugenii A. (Ilan) Rabiner, (Imanova, Imperial College), “Imaging Molecular Targets in Neurodegeneration”.
Sjors Scheres (LMB, Cambridge), “Cryo-EM structures of tau filaments from Alzheimer's disease”.
Tomomi Shimogori (RIKEN BSI), “Early life experience and brain development”.
Kunimichi Suzuki (Keio University), “Bridge over Troubled Synapses--Therapeutic Approaches by Designer Connectors”.
Sarah Tabrizi (Institute of Neurology, UCL), “Meeting the therapeutic challenge of Huntington’s disease”
Takuya Takahashi (Yokohama City University), "Development of PET tracer for AMPA receptors".
Tomoya Eguchi (The University of Tokyo), “Maintenance of lysosomal homeostasis by Parkinson-associated LRRK2 and Rab GTPases”.
Organising committee: Kei Cho (Bristol University), Susan Cox (Kings College London), Kevin Fox (Cardiff University), Yukiko Goda (BSI), Takeshi Iwatsubo (Tokyo University), Giovanna Mallucci (Cambridge University), Michisuke Yuzaki (Keio University).