BNA Member Photo Competition: What Does Your Neuroscience Look Like?
11th February 2025
Celebrating Neuroscience Through the Eyes of BNA Members View article
6th Dec 2019
Struggling to think of gifts that don’t come wrapped in consumerism or risk damaging the planet?
Here’s an idea that can last a lifetime: this Christmas, why not give the gift of membership.
Gift subscriptions to the British Neuroscience Association (BNA) can cover every friend, colleague and relative. Whether they’re directly connected to the field of neuroscience or simply have a fascination for all things brain.
For any neuroscience students in your life, student membership starts at just £12 a year.
For any neuroscience colleagues and friends, we've memberships from £48 per year.
Plus, for any friends or relatives who have an interest in neuroscience, we have our Associate Membership from £48 per year.
All memberships enjoy a range of benefits, including:
Most importantly, they’ll get to join the community that’s advancing neuroscience together.
So, how about it: give a gift that’s not just for Christmas, but for all year round, and maybe even a lifetime of curiosity, progress and enlightenment.
Look here, for a full list of the benefits for the different membership categories. And then contact us at to get your gift subscription.