Opportunity to influence mental health care

22nd May 2017

Please read below for more details of a fantastic opportunity:

  • for your teaching and research to have direct impact on clinical practice
  • to improve treatment of mental health disorders by increasing understanding of how neuroscience research has a role
  • to meet potential collaborators
  • for genuine translational research 

Regional Neuroscience Psychiatry Networks are a new concept being jointly launched by the Royal College of Psychiatry (RCPsych) and the British Neuroscience Association, supported by the Wellcome and the Gatsby Foundation

What are Regional Neuroscience in Psychiatry Networks?

major project is underway - the Gatsy Wellcome Neuroscience Project - to ensure that the training of psychiatrists has a greater focus on the advances in basic and clinical neuroscience, so that trainees are better equipped for the neuroscientific advances that will be made over their working lives treating people with psychiatric disorders.

To help facilitate this project, each region across the UK is setting up a virtual forum for interaction between neuroscientists, psychiatrists and clinicians.

These Neuroscience in Psychiatry Networks will enable the sharing of best practice and provide specialist support for trainers on neuroscience teaching.

Why get involved?

As a neuroscientist involved in a network, you would:

  • achieve direct, meaningful impact of your research in clinical practice
  • get all travel costs covered, e.g. visiting a psychiatrist to support them in training (including accommodation where necessary) 
  • be part of a local community of neuroscientists, psychiatrists and neurologists
  • gain experience and skills by being involved with clinical teaching and meeting working clinicians
  • have fantastic networking and career building opportunities

How to get involved

If you are interested in becoming a member of such a network, please: 

  1. write to anne.cooke@bna.org.uk, briefly explaining your current position, experience, and why you are interested in joining a network
  2. if possible, attend a lunchtime launch event of the networks at the CRoyal College of Psychiatrists International Congress taking place in Edinburgh 26-29th June (day and time TBC). 

We look forward to hearing from you! 

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